Understanding newsletter pages
Reletter's newsletter pages display a lot of information. This guide will walk you through each of the sections and explain what it all means.
It is recommended that you follow along by navigating to a real newsletter page, e.g. Doomberg.
The Basics
The top part of the page shows you the newsletter's basic information (including its title and author) and a few important links. If the system thinks that this publication is likely to publish freemium issues, it will show Freemium as the pricing, like the example below.
Note that you can always click on the newsletter's title to open a standalone page that you can link to. Clicking on the name of the author (the blue link under the title) will search for other shows by the same author.
Getting contact information
Tap on the Contacts button:
You'll see the contacts that we found for this newsletter and be able to copy them to your clipboard.
Adding the newsletter to a list
Keep track of this newsletter by clicking on the Add to List button in the top-right corner and following the instructions.
Add a private note
Click on the Notes button in the top-right corner and follow the instructions. Notes appear privately for you and your team members.
Latest Issues Section
You can see recent articles published by this newsletter. It will show you when it was published, the number of likes and comments, whether it's paid or free (for Substack articles), and the link to the original article.
Audience Section
For most people the important metric here is Subscribers which tells you Reletter's guess for how many subscribers this newsletter has. This prediction is based on hundreds of publicly available data points that we gathered for this newsletter. Please contact the author for accurate numbers.
Monthly Visits is our best guess of the number of monthly visits to the website of this newsletter. It can be used as an indicator of its popularity.
Engagement Score looks at the growth in reader's likes and comments over the past 180 days. The end result is a score between 0-100.
Sponsorship Section
If you've ever wondered about the cost of advertising with a particular newsletter, Reletter provides an estimated range to help you get an idea of what to expect. Please note that this range is our best guess and we recommend that you reach out to the publisher to check their real rates.
Authors Section
This section will show the authors of the newsletter, and also links to their social media accounts when possible.
Social Section
Reletter tries to match every newsletter with social media accounts and other points of online presence around the web. Here's a list of all possible channels that may be displayed here:
LinkedIn (profiles and groups)
Charts Section
See how this newsletter ranks in the official Substack and LinkedIn charts across multiple categories. These are updated daily.
Related Section
Here you can browse similar publications recommended by the authors of this newsletter. This is useful for finding shared audiences and quickly building up lists.
Clicking on the button with three dots will let you create a list from these results.
Last updated